Couples Therapy, Indianapolis

Achieve harmony, trust, and lasting connection​

Therapy that helps you break the cycle of conflict and misunderstanding​

Achieve harmony and connection in your relationship

Many couples feel stuck in a cycle of conflict and misunderstanding. 

Arguments about money, parenting, or pulling their weight in the home leave them feeling disconnected, lonely, and frustrated. 

It’s not uncommon to hear, “We just don’t communicate anymore,” or “I feel like we’re drifting apart.” 

This cycle is often the result of unresolved issues and poor communication habits that create a barrier to intimacy and understanding. 

If you’re ready to break free from the cycle, strengthen your relationships, and better understand each other, let’s talk.

Therapy that helps you break the cycle of conflict and misunderstanding​

Achieve harmony and connection in your relationship

Many couples feel stuck in a cycle of conflict and misunderstanding. 

Arguments about money, parenting, or pulling their weight in the home leave them feeling disconnected, lonely, and frustrated. 

It’s not uncommon to hear, “We just don’t communicate anymore,” or “I feel like we’re drifting apart.” 

This cycle is often the result of unresolved issues and poor communication habits that create a barrier to intimacy and understanding. 

If you’re ready to break free from the cycle, strengthen your relationships, and better understand each other, let’s talk.

Building stronger,
healthier relationships
expert therapy

Our therapists work collaboratively with you to identify the root causes of conflict and develop practical strategies for resolution. 

Using evidence-based couples therapy methods, we tailor our approach to meet your needs. So you can build a strong marital friendship, constructively manage conflict, and create shared meaning. 

We also offer Discernment Counseling to provide clarity for couples unsure about their relationship’s future. 

Discernment Counseling is a specific, time-limited type of counseling that is helpful when one person is leaning into the relationship and the other is leaning out.  Engaging in Discernment Counseling aims to answer the question, “Should we stay married and work on our relationship, or should we go our separate ways.”

Through joint and individual sessions, we help you improve communication skills, rebuild trust, and foster emotional connection. Our goal is to empower you to create a healthier, more fulfilling relationship.

What can I expect from
couples therapy?

During your couples therapy appointments, you can expect focused sessions lasting approximately one hour. 

These sessions provide the time needed to understand and address your unique feelings, needs, and goals without feeling rushed. 

To promote continuous growth and progress, we often assign specific tasks (i.e. homework) for you to try between sessions, reinforcing the skills and strategies discussed in our sessions. 

So you can…

  • Improve communication.
  • Better understand and express your needs.
  • Reduce misunderstandings and conflict.
  • Handle stress and emotions more effectively
  • Create a supportive and loving environment.

Our Couples Therapists at
Northside Mental Health, Indianapolis

Our Couples Therapists at Northside Mental Health, Indianapolis

Shannon Loehr

  • Individuals, Couples, & Families
  • Premarital
  • Affair Recovery
  • Addictions Relationship Recovery
  • Discernment Counseling
  • Post Partum Guidance & Support
  • Co-Parenting

Jennifer Warr

  • Individuals & Couples
  • Certified Sex Therapist
  • Affair Recovery

Amanda Owen

  • Individuals, Couples & Families
  • Spanish Speaking
  • Affair Recovery
  • Co-Parenting

Lindsey Goergen

  • Individuals, Couples, & Families
  • Addictions Relationship Recovery
  • Communication Challenges
  • Family of Alcoholics  – Psychoeducation & Support

Shannon Loehr

  • Individuals, Couples, & Families
  • Premarital
  • Affair Recovery
  • Addictions Relationship Recovery
  • Discernment Counseling
  • Post Partum Guidance & Support
  • Co-Parenting

Jennifer Warr

  • Individuals & Couples
  • Certified Sex Therapist
  • Affair Recovery

Amanda Owen

  • Individuals, Couples & Families
  • Spanish Speaking
  • Affair Recovery
  • Co-Parenting

Lindsey Goergen

  • Individuals, Couples, & Families
  • Addictions Relationship Recovery
  • Communication Challenges
  • Family of Alcoholics  – Psychoeducation & Support

 Get started with Northside Mental Health


Schedule an appointment

Request an appointment or send us an email to book an appointment.


Attend your sessions

Join us for therapy sessions tailored to address your unique needs and challenges.


Experience lasting change

Put the strategies and techniques you learn in therapy to work and watch your mental health and quality of life improve.

Welcome to Northside Mental Health

Begin Your Journey to a Healthier Relationship

At our therapy practice in the Broadripple area of Indianapolis, we’re passionate about helping couples discover their true selves and unlock the power they have within their relationships. 

Our therapists who specialize in couples therapy are Shannon Loehr, Jennifer Warr, Lindsey Goergen and Amanda Owen. We offer a welcoming, home-like environment where you can explore and reframe your struggles without fear of shame or guilt. 

Our goal is to challenge you to think differently, embrace your feelings, and ultimately feel happier and able to live the life you desire. 

Book your appointment today to start your journey toward achieving harmony, trust, and lasting connection

Welcome to Northside Mental Health

Begin Your Journey to a Healthier Relationship

At our therapy practice in the Broadripple area of Indianapolis, we’re passionate about helping couples discover their true selves and unlock the power they have within their relationships. 

Our therapists who specialize in couples therapy are Shannon Loehr, Jennifer Warr, Lindsey Goergen and Amanda Owen. We offer a welcoming, home-like environment where you can explore and reframe your struggles without fear of shame or guilt. 

Our goal is to challenge you to think differently, embrace your feelings, and ultimately feel happier and able to live the life you desire. 

Book your appointment today to start your journey toward achieving harmony, trust, and lasting connection

Any questions about couples therapy at
Northside Mental Health?

Most of our therapists are private pay, and fees vary by therapist. Full information can be found on each of our therapist’s bio pages.

Depending on the provider and the needs of the client, we can offer both in-person and virtual appointments.

Couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on helping partners in a relationship improve their communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their emotional connection. It can help address specific issues such as trust, infidelity, parenting disagreements, or general dissatisfaction in the relationship. By working with a trained therapist, couples can gain insights into their relationship dynamics, develop healthier ways of interacting, and foster a more supportive and fulfilling partnership.

Couples therapy might be right for you if you and your partner are experiencing persistent conflicts, communication breakdowns, or feelings of disconnection. If you’re struggling with issues like infidelity, parenting disagreements, or recurring arguments that you can’t seem to resolve on your own, therapy can provide the tools and support needed to address these challenges. Even if you’re not facing a specific crisis, therapy can help strengthen your relationship and prevent future problems.

During a typical couples therapy session, you can expect a structured yet open discussion facilitated by your therapist. Sessions usually last about 55-60 minutes and involve both partners sharing their perspectives on the issues at hand. The therapist will guide the conversation, helping you identify patterns in your interactions, understand each other’s feelings and needs, and develop strategies for improving communication and resolving conflicts. You may also receive assignments to work on between sessions to reinforce the skills and strategies discussed.

While it is beneficial for both partners to attend sessions together, there may be instances where individual sessions are helpful. Our therapists will work with you to determine the best approach based on your specific needs and circumstances. The goal is to create a balanced, supportive therapeutic environment that addresses both partners’ concerns. Neither individual is the “client” in couples counselling.  The client is your relationship, and that is what the therapist is there to support and help improve.

The duration of couples therapy varies depending on the complexity of the issues being addressed and the goals of the therapy. Some couples may see significant improvements in just a few sessions, while others may require several months or longer of ongoing therapy. Typically, couples therapy involves weekly or bi-weekly sessions, with the duration tailored to your specific needs and progress.

While this is not an exhaustive list, some of the approaches our therapists use evidence-based methods such as Gottman Couples Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), and Discernment Counseling. Gottman Couples Therapy focuses on building a strong marital friendship, managing conflict constructively, and creating shared meaning. EFT helps couples understand and transform their emotional experiences, fostering a secure, loving bond. Discernment Counseling is designed to help couples gain clarity about the future of their relationship. These approaches are tailored to meet your unique needs and goals.

Yes, therapy sessions are confidential. Our therapists adhere to strict professional and ethical guidelines to ensure your privacy. Information shared during sessions will not be disclosed to anyone without your explicit consent, except in cases where there is a legal obligation to report concerns such as harm to self or others.